We had so much fun coordinating #WhatIMake: The Conference with the lovely folks over at Artisan’s Asylum that we decided to start a monthly makers night together!
Every third Monday, starting May 16, we’ll meet from 7:00-9:00 in the social space at Artisan’s Asylum for Maker Mondays.
Bring your latest project, the old project you’ve been ignoring for the past several months, or a brand new idea. We’ll have a small collection of materials if you just want to come and play. Everyone is welcome!
At Miranda’s Hearth, we believe that when we make things together we are creating the common shared experiences that provide the foundation for real relationships.
So come and create with us! If you feel like you can’t come because you’re not an artist, remember the Hearth Motto: Don’t Make Art, Just Make Something.
RSVP on Facebook and invite your friends. The more makers, the more we make!