Kate Voss


Hearth Ember

Traveler, Writer, Adventurer

What’s your story?

For someone who grew up in one place, I really love to move around. I caught the travel bug in my early twenties and I haven’t stopped wandering since. I was in college when I got this itch to see more, and after studying abroad in Israel I realized I had only scratched the surface. I moved to San Francisco for two years and while it was an adventurous time, it wasn’t enough. So I quit my job to travel around the world, from Europe to the Middle East, then Africa and East Asia. After fifteen months of trying to find myself I realized I was in fact lost. I needed roots, I needed a community, and I missed the clam chowdah. For now I am “settled” in Boston, but I still travel whenever I can. I regularly hop around the world to adventure in foreign places, and adventure closer to home when I don’t have time for a flight.

What do you make?
I make adventures, near and far. Many of them are fun in the moment, most are fun afterward, and a few are not fun ever. But all of them are worthwhile, I’ve learned more from the harder challenges than I have from the easy successes. I write about my (mis)adventures on my travel blog and I convince other people that traveling and adventuring is much easier than they think.

How did you get involved with the Hearth?

I was (willingly) conned into being a Hearth Ember by Miranda. I went to the first Waltzdays event and she invited me to the Hearth Book Club and, after a few months of bookclubs and waltzing, I was hooked on Hearth Events. I don’t identify as an artist in the traditional sense, but being a part of the Hearth Community has made me realize that while I may not be able to draw I can still create and contribute in my own way.

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