#WhatIMake Speaker Profile Joshua Louro

Talk: Bridging The Gap; a holistic approach to land care, health care, and everything in between

This talk and following workshop will focus on connecting the health and quality of the food we grow and eat and how much that can impact an individuals health, a communities health, and the health of the environment in which we all inhabit. Bridging the gap between two growing fields in our area; those being holistic health and sustainable agriculture is of utmost importance. I believe that you cannot separate the two without a vast array of symptoms. We are currently experiencing many of those symptoms.

During this lecture and workshop you will feel empowered to take action individually and collectively. We will go over simple yet extremely impactful health related ideas as well as action oriented steps to improve the health of our ecosystem(s). Be prepared to sample some nutritious food and also be prepared to get your hands dirty before the New England winter is in full swing.

Buy tickets to the #WhatIMake Conference to hear Joshua and our other talented speakers!

Joshua LouroPresenter: Joshua Louro

Joshua Louro is the co-founder of Life’s Epiphany. They are a regenerative living company which believes in the potential of our individual health as well as the potential health of our ecosystems, small and large. they believe that this ‘health’ is possible through two main avenues. First, through a variety of holistic health coaching programs, designed to rebuild and regenerate our innate resiliency. Secondly, through a holistic approach to land care, food/medicine production, and more. Growing food in a regenerative system has positive implications in every facet of our daily lives.

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