BIG Art; Tiny House Post No. 10 – Windows and Outriggers

This weekend taught me to not count my blessings too soon in regards to weather.  Over 90.  Both days.  The fact that no one on the building team got a sunburn or passed out from heatstroke is simply a miracle.  That being said, we got all of the windows on the first floor in as well as the first loft window!  The rest were delivered this morning so we’ll get those in lickety-split.

Two Hearth Members, Jaclyn Wood and Nat Bearg, both came out to lend a hand putting the windows in on Saturday.  While they were working, Matt P. finished up the last of the sheathing my covering the cheek walls and the last triangle in the back dormer wall.  The house is now much closer to weather-tight!

Sunday was a little more complicated.  We realized that we hadn’t made mental space for the outriggers, pieces of the roof which push on from the side of the walls and in the front of the building.  These pieces help keep water off the side of the building and also add aesthetic depth.  My insanely saintly mother spent the whole day Saturday doing the math for these and figuring out the best way to add them on.  On Sunday, she and Matt worked all day to measure the different pieces for the outriggers while I stood at the saw and cut patterns.  My brain is a little full at this point.

These last few pieces have slowed us down a bit, but that’s to be expected as you move from large throw-them-together parts of a project to more finite measurements.  We’ve got three more weekends to work before the First Thursday opening on October 1, I’ll be traveling for Tumbleweed in September, but we should be able to get the last windows in, the roof installed, and the siding on in that time.  Fingers crossed!

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