#WhatIMake Speaker Profile: Nathan Chow

Talk: The Magic of Juggling: How to Slow Down in Order to Maximize Success

NathanChow-JugglingAtAPeruSchool (1)
Juggling–and doing anything else in life–is easy once you know the secret: slowing down. The audience will be challenged to break down any goal into small steps and keep a slow, calm, and patient mindset. Call it meditation, art, or entertainment. This is the magic of juggling!

Workshop Description:
Given step-by-step instructions and some personal coaching, participants will practice juggling beanbags, progressing from one to three. More importantly, they’ll internalize a slow, calm, and patient mindset they can bring to any other goal in life. If we run out of beanbags, we have chainsaws available. Insurance not covered. Welcome to clown school. This is serious business.

Buy tickets to the #WhatIMake Conference to hear Nathan and our other talented speakers!

NathanChow-Headshot (1)Presenter: Nathan Chow, Hearth Member

Nathan Chow is a life coach, motivational writer, and speaker focusing on social-emotional well-being and stress management. He believes slowing down is the key to personal happiness and interpersonal peace. He’s usually the last to finish dinner.

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